Year 9 Polaroid Portraits

It’s been five short months since Up Here 9, and it feels like it was just yesterday and also a million years ago. As we suffer through the seven long months until next year (Up Here 10!), we found ourselves looking at one of the special projects from last year: Polaroid portraits of the festival by our intrepid junior photographers—Tom and Liz.

Bravely wielding their Polaroids in a sea of cellphone-wielding grownups, Liz and Tom captured the whirlwind weekend from their perspectives. We’ll be bringing these two on as regulars for sure.

Tom’s Portraits

Liz’s Portraits

Big thanks to Alexander Marleau for scanning these bad boys.


Une première vague d’artistes dévoilée pour le 10e festival Up Here


Watercolour, wheat pasting, and intuition: meet muralist Katie Green