Aandego—The Crow

By Shelby Gagnon (Thunder Bay, Ontario)

402 Frood
August 2024, Up Here 10

Sponsored by Fred Slade & Associated

Photo: Brandon Michael Gray

Artist Statement

Aandego is a representation of rebirth, growth and transformation. The crow is an old spirit carrying with it knowledge from past lifetimes. This piece is about the different dimensions we simultaneously live in and how our spirits are always traveling, whether it through dreams, spiritual experiences or connecting with our ancestors in the spiritual world. To flow with the energies of the world and trust the process of creating, living, connecting and honoring the power of creation. As we observe the state of the world we are living in, filled with fear and the unknown. How are we as individuals contributing to the healing of our communities, the natural world and ourselves? We are in a transitional period and the teaching of the crow is to grasp the knowledge we all have and be truthful with how we will get there. ”While each individual must have the skills and knowledge to ensure their own safety, survival and prosperity in both the physical and spiritual realm, their existence is ultimately dependent upon intimate relationships of reciprocity, humility, honesty and respect with all elements of creation, including plants and animals” (Land as Pedagogy, L.Simpson). We all have the power to do better for this world and future generations, let us fill it with love, art, community and healing.

Shelby Gagnon

Shelby is a 2-spirit Anishinaabe/Cree artist from Aroland First Nation of the Wolf clan. Through involvement with community-engaged organizations and projects, the art educator, hide tanner, muralist, and advocate use multi-disciplinary media to express and share her holistic feelings focused on land, water, and all the spirits that call it their home.